All trials will take place at:


Macquarie Football Academy

            Park Street

            Speers Point (adjacent to Speers Point swimming pool)


Trial Dates are as follows:


U9’s for 2013:


                        Sunday            2nd of September         10am-12pm

                        Monday           3rd of September          5:00-6:30pm

                        Tuesday           4th of September          5:00-6:30pm


U10’s for 2013:


                        Thursday         13th of September        5:00-6:30pm

                        Monday           17th of September        5:00-6:30pm


U11’s Boys for 2013:


                        Monday           8th of October  5:00-7pm

                        Tuesday           9th of October  5:00-6:30pm



U12’s Boys for 2013:


                        Wednesday     10th of October            5:30-7pm

                        Thursday         11th of October            5:30-7pm        





U13’s SYL for 2013:


                        Monday           15th of October            5:30-7pm



U14’s SYL for 2013:


                        Tuesday           16th of October            5:30-7pm



Girls U12’s Development for 2013:


                        Wednesday     17th of October            5:30-7pm



Girls U14’s Development for 2013


                        Thursday         18th of October            5:30-7pm



GirlsU16’s Development for 2013:


                        Tuesday           18th of September        5:30-7pm

                        Wednesday     19th of September        5:30-7pm



All players will need to register on arrival.


Thank you for your support.


Yours in Sport



Leon Davis

Director of Coaching