The Manchester United Nike Cup is once again on,  day one is the 18th February with teams that are competing in the 15's Competion for 2012 playing for the chance to represent NNSW in Melbourne against the best of the best from around Australia.  The winner from Melbourne will compete  on an international level to try and win the Manchester United Premier Cup against teams from around the world. Last year  Macquarie Football represented Northern NSW in Melbourne, last year we performed well against some strong sides but where unable to progress.  This year the teams include ;-

Newcastle Football
Football Mid North Coast (S)
Valentine FC
Weston Workers BEars FC
Charlestown City Blues FC
Lake Macquarie City FC
Hunter Valley Football
Football Mid North Coast (N)
Hamilton Olympic FC
South Cardiff FC
Broadmeadow Magic FC
Macquarie Football

Both Macquarie Football and Hamilton Olympic are already into the second round due to Macquarie Drawing the Bye
and Northern Inland withdrawing from the competiton. 

Winners from day one  will play again on Day 2 in the attached format ;-

click here

the best of luck to our Macquarie Football Team.