Macquaire Football Under 15 team  to play NCF in Nike cup  final (SYL GAME) this Sunday on the North Coast   to become the NNSWF representative team to attend Melbourne this year. The results of Tuesday nights match at Port Macquarie between NCF - 3 and FMNC South  - 0 sealed the sport for NCF to battle it out against Macquarie Football. We wish Macquarie 15 boys the best of luck, in the event of a draw it will go to penalty kicks if requried.

Each of the zones within Northern NSW, which stretches from Newcastle out to Armidale & up to the Queensland border, have competed for the right to represent Northern NSW at the Pacific finals  which will be held in Melbourne on the first weekend of April.

The winner of that tournament will represent the Pacific region at the world finals in Manchester in August where they will take their place with 20 of the best 15 year old teams from around the world.